June 29, 2016

Engagement Ring Shopping | Red Deer Photographers | Custom design

Posted in: Advice for Brides & Grooms, Wedding

You’ve found her. She’s THE one…..Now what?!

Let’s talk about engagement rings today. Guys! Listen up, this post is for you!

The long and short of it is when you finally decide to get down on one knee, with that engagement ring in your hand, you already know there is no one in the world quite like your lady. Your love for her isn’t your run of the mill little bit of love. It’s this unique, twist your gut, full of surprise LOVE. Maybe you were looking for it, maybe you weren’t, in any case, you’ve found it. It’s there. And it leaves you breathless. And nervous. And maybe a little uneasy! There’s never going to be anyone else for you, you’ve decided. Choosing that ring, that symbol of YOUR love is so important! Mike Lawlor, of Lawlor Jewelry,  sat down with me recently and shared his thoughts on not just SHOPPING for your lady’s engagement ring, but actually DESIGNING it. Lawlor Jewelry is located just east of Red Deer, in the town of Stettler. Having been in business for over 22 years with 3 generations working together, they know a thing or two about engagement rings!

Why should I choose a custom designed engagement ring?

From Mike:

A lot of people ask me why is  a custom designed ring the way to go when it comes to choosing an engagement ring.
There are so many reasons that make a custom designed ring for your girl the perfect choice!
– No two pieces are the same. Engagement rings can be mass produced, put into catalogs or every single chain jewelry store window,  ending up on thousands of other ring fingers around the world!  A woman loves to have something that is unique and special to her. Think of it like this, it’s never a good thing when she notices another woman wearing the same dress as hers at the company Christmas party. She wants to feel special!
– There are so many different styles available in stores now (and online), so many unique points on each ring, but what happens when you like a little bit of this from one ring, and a little bit of that from another. When a ring is custom designed, you have the ability to personally pick and choose what elements you want to have incorporated into your ring. Has you lady hinted that she looooooves a  halo around a centre diamond? No problem! Would she like the diamonds to go just a little bit further down the side? Done! Maybe you just know she would absolutely go nuts over some stunning scrolls and decorative filigree to accent her ring and make it extra special. Gotcha covered!. Her engagement ring can be custom designed by you to incorporate every factor and detail to make sure she knows there is no one else in the world quite like her.
Wow factor. This is a big one guys. Nothing makes a woman feel more love than when her man shows her that he loves her enough to pay attention to her. What she likes, doesn’t like. What she said in passing after a friend got engaged last year, even how she snuck that quick look at the jewelry store window walking by. Women LOVE to know you were watching, paying attention to her and that you care enough to show you listen! A custom designed engagement ring shows that you’ve taken the time, you’ve taken that care and you’ve thought about her as you designed HER ring. You’ve hand selected the diamonds or gemstones she’s going to wear to show she’s yours for the rest of your lives.  And let me tell you, she’s going to be wowed!
At Lawlor Jewelry, we find that when our clients are able to actually see each and every factor of the ring we’re designing together in detail, right in front of them using  3D Digital CAD software, we’re able to make sure that every last detail of HER ring is perfect.  Visit us here to start designing the perfect ring for your perfect proposal.
Lawlor Jewelry, Stettler Alberta - engagement ring - custom designed rose gold band with diamond solitaire

Stunning rose gold diamond solitaire engagement ring customer designed at Lawlor Jewelry

#raiseyourringfinger #secondchancetoshine #lawlorjewelry

Are you recently engaged and planning a wedding? Raelene Schulmeister Photography is currently booking  2017 & 2018 wedding dates! She loves to travel so no matter where your wedding is taking place, if you love her style, give her a shout! She only takes a limited number of weddings each year to ensure she is giving each couple her utmost attention. If you would like to chat with her about possibly photographing your wedding, get in touch with Raelene here: CONTACT RAELENE

  1. Misty says:

    These tips are perfect!!! And that ring is stunning!!!

  2. Jamie says:

    Excellent tips! Thanks for sharing – very helpful!

  3. Jill says:

    Such great tips- helpful for anyone searching! Love it!

  4. Candi says:

    That ring is pretty!! Great tips!

  5. Mahlia says:

    Great info and tips of engagement ring shopping

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